Survivor Story: Miranda

Trauma and drug addiction have plagued my life for as long as I can remember. IV drug use took me captive. I was a slave to sin and had lost myself and all sense of hope for my future. When I first came to the WellHouse, I had no faith and no sense of direction for my life.

I was resistant to hear anything related to God and blamed him for a lot of the hurts in my past. I saw how free and happy everyone was around me, which made me long for what they had. I finally made the decision to let Jesus into my heart, and He has changed me in every way possible.

I never knew that the life I have now was even possible, and I have so many dreams and plans for my future. I know that no matter what I’m going through, I have a team of people that I can count on to support me, which is something I’ve never known.

I am no longer a victim, but a survivor and a victor through Christ!