Letter from the CEO - End of Year Recap

2022! The 12th year since The WellHouse was founded!

We enter it asking God to prepare our hearts for this year, while also petitioning Him for protection from danger, destruction, and division, and for allowing us to see and experience Deliverance. Deliverance for survivors who have divinely been sent to The WellHouse as well as Deliverance for all involved who are daily faced with the warfare of the enemy. We will boldly serve as we align all we do with His purpose. If we have learned one thing over these past years, it is the resounding assurance that this is indeed God’s work, and aligning all we do with His way is the best way!

We begin 2022 with a great staff, a group of super talented people who have been brought together with as much diversity as possible to create an environment where people are safe to grow, participate, and share ideas. We promote healthy conflict where we hold each other accountable to our individual responsibilities as we measure and drive results. Our good results as a faith-based organization ensures that we have a seat at all tables where the topic of anti-trafficking is being held.

With our faith foundation in focus, excitement is strong as we plan to host our first ever survivor focused conference in late 2022! Due to our strong partnerships with likeminded organizations, we believe that this will be a one-of-a-kind conference offering CEUs, LEs, and MEUs. By effectively covering pertinent topics related to survivors as well as featuring credible keynote speakers, it is our desire to offer an experience beneficial to all who serve the anti-trafficking cause. Please stay tuned for information as it evolves and plan to join this great event!

Thank you for faithfully joining us to realize The WellHouse mission, and we wish you success and blessings in this new year as well!