Letter from the CEO - Summer 2021

WellHouse Current Projects

As I write this, The WellHouse is in the midst of no less than five major projects:

  1. A book highlighting graduate survivor stories and where they are with their lives since leaving The WellHouse

  2. A “how to” manual to share with those hoping to establish a ministry similar to The WellHouse with everything from by-laws, to financial management, to WellHouse culture, to resident handbooks, and more

  3. Expansion of ShopWell

  4. WellHouse Child program

  5. The Chapel

As with all the assignments here at The WellHouse, we bring our mission to mind, especially the focus on honoring God, while also considering our culture of Prayer, Excellence, and Grace as we persevere toward completion of these projects.

WellHouse Child

While these are all exciting projects, WellHouse Child definitely dominates our workload these days as we anticipate the completion of the home this month, hiring and training of staff, and continuing the process of obtaining licensing by the state! Our hearts are full and prayers are abundant as we look toward the day when youth who have witnessed and experienced some of the worst atrocities of mankind find safety and healing in an environment of love! We believe there are young girls right now hoping --and some even begging God--to put them into the hands of someone to protect them.

The WellHouse Chapel

The Chapel! Already it is a symbol of something very hallow and a place for the strengthening of faith for all who come onto The WellHouse campus.  With its opening, more of the good news so needed in all our lives can be shared more abundantly, as well as classes that have long needed a place to congregate. The addition of the storm shelter in the basement of the Chapel is so important as we all recall the recent round of tornadoes and the warning from James Spann for The WellHouse to take cover. God protected, but having this shelter brings a measure of relief in a region so given to bad weather.

Expansion of ShopWell

The expansion of ShopWell is the renewal of a long-held dream of The WellHouse’s desire to host its own industry for our residents to work. We have a recent graduate who is assisting in all areas, and we are looking to hire a ShopWell Supervisor as soon as possible. Great things are ahead for this project!

The WellHouse Way and Book of Stories

Finally, The WellHouse Way manual and Survivor Story book are set to be released later in the Fall, and we are so excited to share these valuable publications! Many will be helped as they are able to use these tools to lay a great foundation for their newly formed ministries and serve well. And, the desire is that the book of stories will bring hope to those who might be weary and want to give up the fight. We have been very blessed to see transformation and changed lives, and the survivors have been eager to share their stories!

Pray, Support and Rejoice with Us!

So, please pray with us, continue to support our efforts, and let’s all rejoice together at the amazing blessings of God!